【每日英语听力】万圣节的历史 The History Of Halloween

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Every year, millions of people around the country   spill into streets, dressed as 一般过去时 用一般过去时描述当时发生的动作 fairies, goblins, characters from their favorite   movie franchise , and everything in between.

Partying and making   mischief .

But   outside of a good time , how many know why they do it?

Today, Halloween is a billion-dollar industry.

But exactly how did it get there?

While today Halloween is   synonymous with commercialism, it wasn’t always that way.

The word Halloween comes from the words hallow, meaning Holy person, and een, deriving as a contraction of eve.

And All Hallows’ Eve finds its origins all the way back in the time of the ancient Celtic pagans with the holiday of Samhain, a three-day fire festival that essentially celebrated death and rebirth.

The Celts, who lived in what is now Ireland, Scotland, the UK, and parts of Northern Europe,   based their calendar   on the wheel of a year.

Essentially divided into two halves, the light and the dark.

When one gave way to the other, this transition was marked by a fire festival.

The word Samhain translates into modern Irish to summer’s end.

Samhain celebrated the dead.

And particularly, the celebratory feast   paid homage to loved ones who had passed away recently.

Essentially as an invitation for their spirits to rejoin the living.

Many of Samhain’s original   rituals have been lost, but what we do know of their holiday traditions from Celtic,   folklore and ancient Roman historians is that they were intended to connect them to spirits.

Including costumes, Most likely animal are first to help them hide from the unfriendly ones, feasting and making lanterns from hollowed-out   gourds .

Seemingly   the birth of the modern pumpkin jack-o-lantern.

Sacrifices generally of crops or animals were made during this time as an offering to the spirits.

It was popular for tricks or pranks to be played by humans and blamed on   mischievous spirits.

As a result of the Roman invasion with most of the Celtic land being conquered by Rome in 43 CE, the spread of   Christianity and   Catholicism would force pagan Celtic traditions to evolve or be completely   repressed .

In part, many Celtic traditions and popular pagan practices   were reframed to fit within a Christian   narrative as a way of converting people with greater comfort and ease.

Samhain   would evolve into All Saints Day, which is also referred to as All Hallows Day.

And was intended to be a day to celebrate the Christian saints and   martyrs .

Essentially,   instead of honoring pagan gods and mischievous spirits, they now celebrated Christian figures.

While the sacrifices were replaced by food offerings to the poor, the tricks and pranks continued.

But instead, they were now   attributed to the spirits of the saints.

Halloween evolved as a more   secular version of All Hallows’ Eve, and eventually it   would become more popular and common practice than All Saints Day.

While Halloween has its origins in the British Isles, there’s a great   disparity in its popularity in former British colonies.

The   Puritans who came to colonize America were   Protestant and did not celebrate holidays of the Catholic church, as they were believed to lead to idolatry.

In the early days of the American colonies, celebrations of Halloweens were mostly forbidden as they were deemed top pagan or too Catholic by the Protestant colonizers.

Though elements of it began to   incorporate into secular harvest-related events in the 1800s.

The mid-19th century saw   a large influx of immigrants entering the country, especially Irish immigrants who were greatly impacted by the potato   famine .

With these people came Halloween customs   out of which one of America’s favorite holidays was formed.

In keeping with the mischief, children would dress in costumes and be given money or fruit for artistic offerings like poetry, songs, or even jokes instead of prayers.

By the late 19th century, children were playing seemingly   innocuous pranks on their small local communities.

Adults would soon find   incentive to dissuade children from playing pranks.

Enter trick or treating.

The 20th century would finally see the commercialization of Halloween.

By the 1920s and 30’s, Halloween merchandise evolved to pre-made costumes for both children and adults.

After World War Two in the 1950s, the economic boom had candy manufacturers   getting on the Halloween   bandwagon .

Movies and TV are also largely   responsible for the   proliferation of Halloween as a mass market holiday.

Cinemas in the 50s offered scary movie festivals.

And in the 60s, the new television industry began   running Halloween specials during Halloween season.

By 2015, the National Retail Federation predicted spending on Halloween could reach $6.9 billion.

Whether you believe that we’ve lost the meaning or not, Halloween   has since evolved   far beyond the days of pagan fire festivals.

For more than a month   out of the year, costume stores show up   out of nowhere.

Candy corn and Halloween-themed candies dominate whole aisles of grocery stores, and   spooky shows and movies build out entire TV station schedules.

Whether you like it or not, whether you want to dress up as a   gruesome goblin or a sexy cat, or ignore the holiday altogether, Halloween   has stood the test of time and proven itself as a holiday that’s here to stay.

🍉 重点词汇/短语

  1. spill into   涌进
  2. movie franchise   电影系列
  3. mischief   恶作剧
  4. outside of a good time   除了玩乐之外
  5. synonymous with sth .   ..的代名词
  6. feast   盛宴/祭礼
  7. paid homage to…   向…致敬/悼念
  8. ritual   仪式/礼节/老规矩
  9. folklore   民间习俗
  10. gourd   葫芦
  11. prank   恶作剧
  12. blame on   主要归咎于…
  13. repress   压制
  14. narrative   叙述(的)
  15. sth. as a way of   某物是…的一种方式
  16. refer to   适用/涉及
  17. Chrinstianity   基督教
  18. Catholicism   天主教
  19. martyrs   殉道者
  20. Essentially   本质上说
  21. be attribue to   延续…的精神
  22. secular   世俗的
  23. disparity   差距
  24. Puritans   清教徒
  25. Protestant   新教徒
  26. deeped top pagan   极端的异教徒
  27. incorporate   合并/融入
  28. a large influx of immigrants   大批移民涌入
  29. famine   饥荒
  30. innocuous   无害的
  31. incentive   动机
  32. dissuade…from…   劝阻…
  33. bandwagon   时尚/风靡的活动
  34. responsible for the proliferation of Halloween as…   推动万圣节作为…的普及
  35. running Halloween specials   播放万圣节特辑
  36. far beyond   远超
  37. for more than a month out of the year   每年有一个多月的时间时间里
  38. out of nowhere   突然冒出
  39. spooky   幽灵般的
  40. gruesome goblin   恐怖的妖怪
  41. has stood the test of time   经受住了时间的考验