到某个点事物必然从无到有。 At some point something must have come from nothing.
Sophie Amundsen在放学回家的路上。 Sophie Admundsen was on her way home from school.
有一段路她和Joanna一起走,她们聊着机器人。 She had walked the first part of the way with Joanna, they had been discussing robots.
Joanna觉得人的脑袋就跟高级电脑差不多。 Joanna thought the human brain was like an advanced computer.
Sophie不太同意-人当然比一个机器高级得多吧? Sophie was not certain she agreed. Surely a person was more than a piece of hardware?
她们到了超市就分开了。 When they got to the supermarket they went their seperate ways.
Sophie住在广阔的郊区,到学校的距离差不多是Joanna的两倍。 Sophie lived on the outskirts of a sprawling suburb and had almost tiwice as far to school as Joanna.
除了她自家的园子外没有其他房屋,这样使得她家就在世界的尽头似的。 There were no other houses beyond her garden, which made it seem as if her house lay at the end of the world.
前面就是森林了,她从拐角进入了Clover Close. This was where the woods began. She turned the corner into Clover Close.
路的尽头是一个急转弯,被称为Captain’s Bend. At the end of the road there was a sharp bend, known as Captain’s Bend.
人们很少走这条路,除非是周末。 People seldom went that way except on the weekend.