
  1. That feeling   of panic after someone   honks at you.
  2. I   gotta let him know.
  3. I   could have missed that light.
  4. The   twist at the end tho🤣🤣🤣👌.
  5. I’ll just   hang out by myself.
  6. plus overtime, if we   go over 8 hours.
  7. I   would have done it for the experience.
  8. The tag’s still   on there
  9. I’m   for real.
  10. So that’s how it’s   gone be. You all wanna play.
  11. Do you wanna go to war? we   could go to war.
  12. You’ll feel my   wrath
  13. Those 5 minutes   turn into 1h when you open youtube shorts.
  14. help me out   there
  15. She don’t like the restaunt, me   neither .
  16. DO you mind if I use your computer?   No , I don’t mind.
  17. Why   doesn’t he come and talk to me himself.
  18. Trump   becoming more and more revelant, beacuse sleepy Joe   got the throne.
  19. I live with …
  20. I not get personal with me.
  21. I don’t finght fair.