

【视频】【英文晨读15分钟】一个人alone学英语(2022年版 | 持续更新)

1.长荣海运年终奖发 40 个月薪、国际大事

Evergreen reportedly doles out generous year-end bonuses for employees


Evergreen Marine(美[məˈrin]英[məˈriːn]) Corp, the largest container shipping company in Taiwan, reportedly doled out year-end bonuses of as much as 40 months’ wages to some of its employees on Thursday.

据报道,台湾最大的货柜运输公司-长荣海运集团,在周四为部分员工发放了 高达40个月的薪水的年终奖。

According to local media reports, some Evergreen Marine employees were rumored sb be rumored: 据传某人… e.g. The girl was unhappy for being rumored to have a boyfriend. to have each received some NT$2 million(US$72,312) in bonus.


A couple who were both entry-level supervisors at Evergreen told China Times Thursday that they received a combined NT$5 million year-end bonus. The two said they earn a base salary of earn a base salary of:底薪是… e.g I earn a base salary of 1800 yuan in our company. NT60,000 and that they have been working at the company for over 10 years.


The shipping giant, however, declined to confirm the number of months except to except to: 只是… e.g. They do nothing except to say everything will be fine. say that employees each got different amounts and were compensated accordingly as the bonus was based on perfromance.




  1. A regular amount of money that you earn,usually every month,for work or services. --查看答案-- wage
  2. connected with the sea and creatures and plants that live there. --查看答案-- marine
  3. an extra of money that is added to your payment, especially to sb’s wages as reward. --查看答案-- bonus
  4. to pay sb money because they have suffered some damage,loss,injured, etc. --查看答案-- compensate

🎀 请翻译以下内容

  1. 今年,他们公司给他们部门每个人发放了1000块奖金。 This year, their company doled out 1000 bonus for everyone in their department.
  2. 这个月的花费超出预算整整300块。 The expenditure in this month exceeded the budget as much as 300 yuan.
  3. 据说这个新来的实习生是经理的亲戚。 The new intern was rumored to a relative of the manager.
  4. 他购买了一张入门级别的显卡。 He bought an entry-level Graphics card.
  5. 新入职的同事的底薪统一为3000块。 The base salary of every newly employed is always 3000 yuan.
  6. 这家游戏的运营拒绝透漏新角色的任何信息。 The operation department of this game declined to comfirm any information about the new character.
  7. 完成任务后,他获得了相应的报酬。 He got compensated accordingly after the task was done.

2. 南非议会被烧毁(South Africa’s parliament burns)

A large fire damaged much of the Houses of Parliament on Sunday.


Officials warned that the damage to the historic(有历史意义的,historical:古老的) complex would be extensive.


Officials said the fire spread from an office space on the third of a building adjacent(英[əˈdʒeɪsnt] 美[əˈdʒeɪsnt] ) to the old National Assembly building.


Cape Town’s Fire and rescue Service spokesman warned that the buildings themselves were at risk of collapse, given the intense heat of the fire.


2.1 巩固练习


  1. a group of buildings of a similar type together in one place. --查看答案-- complex

🎀 请翻译以下内容

  1. 这院子的大部分的地方都是闲置的。 Much of the yard is unoccupied.
  2. 不佩戴口罩出门存在感染新型冠状病毒的风险。 Go outside without wearing a mask was at risk of contracting covid-19.
  3. 鉴于他的伤情,教练决定让他回家养伤。 Given his condition of injury, the coach decided to let him go home to recuperate.
  4. 由于火势凶猛,灭火行动一时难以开展。 Given the intense heat of fire, it is difficult to control the fire at the moment.

3. 欧盟考虑一个非自由主义的领导人是否为同一阵线(E.U considers whether an illiberal leader belongs)

Viktor Orban, Hungary’s prime minister, proudly refers to his country as refer to … as: 把…看作/称为… e.g. He refers to Jane as his grilfriend. “illiberal state.” Yet he has long been treated as just another leader by the Europe Union, which holds itself up as a model of human rights and the rule of law.

匈牙利总理Vitor Orban自豪地称他的国家是一个“非自由主义国家”。然而,长期以来,他被欧盟视为仅仅是另一个欧盟的领导人,欧盟则将自己视为人权和法治的典范

But as Orban has continued to consolidate power and weaken his country’s democratic(英[ˌdeməˈkrætɪk]美[ˌdeməˈkrætɪk]) institutions, the bloc is trying to rein him in. Early this year, the European Court of Justice will issue a decision on whether the union has the authority to make its funds to memeber states conditional on conditional on: 以…为条件 e.g. His compromise is conditional on gaining a lot of money. meeting the bloc’s core values. Doing so may block Hungary from billions of euros block sb. from sths: 阻止某人获得某物 e.g. His aunt is trying to block him from a legacy of $500,00 .


3.1 巩固练习


  1. to make a position of power or success so that it is more likely to continue. --查看答案-- consolidate

🎀 请翻译以下内容

  1. 他们以兄弟相称。 They refer each other as brother.
  2. 他常常把自己视为公司的接班人。 He offten hold himself up as a succesor of the company.
  3. 他试图抑制他弟弟的所作所为。 He is trying to rein his brother in what he did.
  4. 公司将开会就是否录用他做出表态。 The company will issue a decision on whether hiring him at a meetting.
  5. 他以这个庄园作为条件帮助她 His help to her is conditional on this manor.

4. 菲律宾对未接种疫苗的人实行隔离-A lockdown for the unvaccinated in the Philippines

The Philippines will bar all unvaccinated residents from leaving their homes, except for essential reassons, in Manila and the surrounding areas. The lockdown is in response to post-holiday spike in Covid-19 cases.

菲律宾将 禁止 bar sb. from sth.: 禁止某人做某事 e.g. Her monther bar her from leaving home. 马尼拉及周边地区未接种疫苗的剧名离开家门,除非有必要的原因。隔离是为了应对 放假后Covid-19病例的激增

The lockdown is aimed at both lessening the country’s caseload and encouraging vaccinations. Health officials have suggested that vaccine complacency was behind the latest rise in infections. “Despite the availability of vaccines, there is number of individuals who adamantly opt not to be vacinated”, the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority said in a statment.


4.1 巩固练习


  1. a thin object with a sharp point,especially a pointed piece of metal,wood etc. --查看答案-- spike
  2. all the people that a doctor,social worker is responsible for at one time. --查看答案-- caseload
  3. a feeling of satisfaction with yourself or with a situation so that you do not think any change is necessary. --查看答案-- cmplacency

🎀 请翻译以下内容

  1. 明天的会议所有人都要参加,除非有重要的事情。 Everyone should attend the meeting tomorrow,except for essential reassons.
  2. 为了应对这次的比赛,我们做好了充足的准备。 We well prepared in response to this competition.
  3. 轻敌是这次失败的主要原因。 Underestimated the enemy is behind our failure at this thime.

5. Omicron给印度带来了似曾相识的感觉-Omicron brings a sense of deja vu to India

Just a few months ago, as government leaders vastly underestimated the dangers and publicly flouted official advice, the Delta variant ravaged India. Now, with the rise of Omicron, the mixed signals from the government and rapid spread through cities are fueling a sense of deja vu.


As the Omicron wave began last month, Prime Minister Narenra Modi urged the nation to be vigilant. Arvind Kejriwal, the chief minister of the Delhi region, introduced night curfews, shut down movie theaters and slashed capacity in restaurants and public transport.

随着Omicron浪潮在上个月开始,总理Modi敦促全国人民保持警惕。德里地区的首席部长Arind Kejriwal实行了宵禁,关闭了电影院并且削减了餐馆和公共运输的容纳人数。

5.1 巩固练习


  1. to think or guess that the amout,cost or size of sth is smaller than it really is. --查看答案-- underestimate
  2. to show that you have no respect for a law. --查看答案-- flout
  3. to damage sth. badly. --查看答案-- ravage
  4. very careful to notice any signs of danger or trouble. --查看答案-- vigilant
  5. a law which says that people must not go outside after a particular time at night until the morning. --查看答案-- curfew
  6. to make a long cut with a sharp object, especially in a violent way. --查看答案-- slash

🎀 请翻译以下内容

  1. 2019-2022 新型冠状病毒肆虐了全球。 Covid-19 ravaged all over the world in 2019-2022.
  2. 随着手机的兴起,电脑游戏的用户正在逐年减少。 With the rise of mobile, the users of computer game is lessening year by year.


Politicans in Chile are calling for a pasuse in new mining contract for Lithium, which is in high demand for electric car batteries but is raising concerns over the social and environmental risks of minxing.


Britain’s prime minister, Boris Johnson, was rebuked by his ethics adviser over the costly refurbishment of his Downing Street apartment.


Pope Francis said that people who have pets instead of children are being selfish. “It takes away our humanity”, he said.

Pop Francis 说养宠物而不养孩子的人是自私的,这种行为夺走了我们的人性。

6.1 巩固练习


  1. to speak severely to sb because they have done sth wrong. --查看答案-- rebuke

🎀 请翻译以下内容

  1. 他准备对院子进行一次翻新。 He is going to give a refurbishment to the yard.