五十 音图 あ段/a い段/i う段/u え段/e お段/o 平假名 片假名 平假名 片假名 平假名 片假名 平假名 片假名 平假名 片假名 あa あ ア ぃ ィ ぅ ゥ ぇ ェ ぉ ォ かka か
引用 本文内容来源于: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qG5PQHW2B8M 简约的 adj. minimalistic 美感 n.,审美观的 adj. aesthetic 米黄色的 adj. beige 爪形夹具 n.,抓 v. claw 夹克 n. blazer (私立)学院风(格) preppy aesthetic 格子纽扣
五月初,一些园子里,水仙花已经开放满在果树的周围。 It was early May. In some of the gardens the fruit trees were encircled with dense clusters of daffodils. 赤杨树已经长出了嫩绿的叶子。 The birches were already in pale green leaf. 每年
到某个点事物必然从无到有。 At some point something must have come from nothing. Sophie Amundsen在放学回家的路上。 Sophie Admundsen was on her way home from school. 有一段路她和Joanna一起走,她们聊
That feeling of panic after someone honks at you. I gotta let him know. I could have missed that light. The twist at the end tho🤣🤣🤣👌. I’ll just hang out by myself. plus overtime, if we go over 8 hours. I would have done it for the experience. The tag’s still on there I’m
English is my native language yet even I can’t keep up with the txt language sometimes. I’v got news for you. this series escalated quickly. When she said “Bitch” who all thought of the Vmin meme?? Definitely me😂😂 A classmate tried to say she had a cough but pronounced it as “c